I am a curious person who likes to learn and try new technologies.
It was a fun project. After learning some basics of React.js I wanted to build something on my own, so I found the github API through which we can get the public data of a particular user.
It is a very basic project in which I tried to replicate some minimal features of an e-commerce app, such as Add-to-cart/remove-from-cart, increasing/decreasing the items quantity and total-bill-amount.
It was the first web app I built using React. The app's structure is very simple it fetches the data from a json file according to the choosen category by user and then counts the right answers. At the end it shows the total score of the user.
It is a slack-clone app, which has minimal live chatting app features such as login/logout functionalities
This app was built using flask and openweather API, which shows the weather information of the given city. The interface was designed using HTML and CSS.